Kelly Rothwell

Kelly Rothwell
Much Loved Sister, Daughter, Friend

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pinellas County Sheriff’s Detectives Visit Elmira Prison Last Monday

A source close to the Elmira Prison in Elmira, New York, where David Perry used to work, said that the detectives from Pinellas County who have been working Kelly Rothwell’s disappearance, Mike Bailey and Amy Plourde Booth were in town last Monday. They stopped by the reception area of the prison and met with law enforcement and possibly inmates that may have had some contact with Perry. Whether they were in town to question those inmates about Perry is unknown, but one could assume so. However, they supposedly also had an unrelated case that they were following in the area.

But it sounds a little far-fetched that two Pinellas County detectives who have worked Kelly’s case for almost three years now would travel to Elmira, New York and visit the very prison that David Perry worked in for an unrelated case, doesn’t it? Elmira is also the reception area for all of the state prisons; any inmate comes there first to be processed and then either stays there or is sent to one of the other detention facilities. Perry was moved from the Broome County Jail after his conviction to the Downstate Correctional Facility in Fishkill, New York…

Perhaps he was running his mouth about what he did to Kelly and the Florida detectives are hoping that someone will come forward… maybe someone already has…

As the three year mark of Kelly’s disappearance looms near, I wonder if the Florida detectives’ presence in New York is a positive sign. But any attempt at a search in a nature preserve or a compost heap this late in the game and in the dead of winter in upstate New York would seem a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse ran out almost three years ago.

Perry is serving a 4-12 year sentence for stealing from Work Comp. So far he already has about two years of time served. According to law enforcement he still must serve another two (to complete the minimum required by the sentence of 4 years) and then he will be on parole after that. When the time comes, wouldn’t it be great if the Parole Board was inundated with letters from concerned citizens who wanted his parole denied. LOTS of letters…

Meanwhile Kelly’s birthday has come and gone….She would have been 38 years old on January 10th.  Kelly’s mother Nancy, speaking through tears, told me on Kelly’s birthday that she is at least grateful that Perry is in jail. “We miss her every day, but we know she is at peace and that no one can hurt her anymore.”

New billboards spaces with Kelly’s’ face and information have been donated and are up on RT. 19. Although Kelly’s family had no idea they were being put up, Kelly’s sister Lindsay say she hopes that it will generate new interest in Kelly’s case. The billboards made the local news here as well as the local news in the Twin Tiers/Elmira area in New York. It’s a longshot that someone may remember something from almost three years ago based on a billboard however. It’s a shame they didn’t go up right after she went missing. But hope is still alive that someone may step forward and help solve the mystery of Kelly’s disappearance.  

In my opinion, there is no mystery… her killer sits in a New York State jail cell.

Let’s hope he breaks from the pressure and tells her family where he put her body so they can bring her home.


David Perry mug shot