Kelly Rothwell

Kelly Rothwell
Much Loved Sister, Daughter, Friend

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

David Perry’s friends and family spreading hatred.. go figure.

 David Perry's family and "friends" are so desperate they have stooped to the lowest of lows... Impersonating ME on the True Crime website, saying that I am directing people to look at a page that declares DP innocent…

 I can assure you that it is NOT me nor would I EVER send people to a page that declared the innocence of a man who won't even help look for his girlfriend and has a history of domestic violence  against women. Those of you who know me, know this to be true.

 I will work tirelessly until Kelly Rothwell is found and David Perry is sitting on death row in Florida, awaiting a needle in his arm.

The fact that his "supporters" are so callous and cavalier about a young woman missing is appalling and I hope that they realize that all the tripe they write will never erase that fact that I feel David Perry KILLED Kelly Rothwell and hid her body somewhere…

and refuses to tell anyone where..

Leigh Clifton 

1 comment:

  1. Say it loud, say it clear!!! We ALL know that you would NEVER do something like that Leigh! Have no worries......we support you! God Bless you in all that you do!!! Love ya Leigh!



David Perry mug shot