Kelly Rothwell

Kelly Rothwell
Much Loved Sister, Daughter, Friend

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Still No Bail Application for Perry

As of approximately 11:30 a.m. Tuesday morning, there has STILL been NO bail application files with the County Court for David Perry. The County Court Judge is in charge of bail applications and hearings.
Nor has the court  been contacted by Perry's attorney, Thomas Reilly, who was also his council for Perry's Workman's Comp disability case.

A call to the D.A.'s office also confirmed that they are still waiting for the charges to be filed in County Court, after which the case will be assigned to an Assistant District Attorney.  A call to the Public Defender's office confirms that Perry has not contacted them  about possible representation.  It is assumed that he will use his current lawyer, Thomas Reilly, for representation in  this case.

Perry still sits in a Broome County jail, in Binghamton, New York.


  1. makes ya wonder if, knowing his money is being cut off, Reilly is doing nothing because he knows no payment will follow. DP, enjoy your new home...

  2. Or maybe, Reilly is as crooked as DP! Hmmm.....!



David Perry mug shot